we stopped by ryan's parents house on saturday before the show and ryan got the kitty comb out to give pepper and ginger a brush. they were so cute! ryan had his own little kitten salon opened for the morning!
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Thursday, March 31, 2022
ryan's kitten salon
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
“let’s laugh together”
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
kicking the season off with a johnny cash tribute
on saturday, we kicked off the spring season at the theatre with a johnny cash tribute. it was a great show and we had a great audience too! you can see some of my photos from the show on the theatre's facebook album here.
Monday, March 28, 2022
free rita's italian ice to celebrate spring!
each year we look forward to the first day of spring because rita's gives out free ice. this year, rita's changed up their promotion and gave everyone with the rita's app a coupon for free ice to be used any time throughout the week. it was so nice not having to battle crowds and to be able to pick which day we wanted to go. on friday after dinner, we headed to rita's to claim our free ice. it was a nice little treat, even though it was freezing cold outside and didn't actually feel like spring at all!
love, laurie
Friday, March 25, 2022
kicking off the spring season with a two-show weekend
Thursday, March 24, 2022
my little lion
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
watch kitten
when you're wondering why it's eerily quiet and you look into the next room to find the watch kitten like a statue.
love, laurie
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
add theatrical reupholstery to my resume
yesterday, we were working at the university helping one of our students with her upcoming senior show. the scene takes place in the interior of a church and she picked out some great purple velvet fabric for the set. we found some cool chairs in storage that looked like they could have belonged in a church but the cushions were gross and mismatched. i got the bright idea of using the extra fabric to reupholster the two chair cushions so that they match the rest of the set. ryan used the fabric to drape across the opening of the confessional booth and upholster a cushion for the kneeling bench. it looks so good all together and we had a lot of fun doing it!
love, laurie
Monday, March 21, 2022
birthday celebrations!
we celebrated pam's birthday on sunday by getting together for pizza, ice cream cake, and presents! it was a nice relaxing sunday to get together to celebrate. happy birthday, pam!
Saturday, March 19, 2022
Friday, March 18, 2022
decorated for st. patrick's day!
i rounded the corner at work this week and had to put down what i was carrying in order to get out my phone to take a picture of how cute the cat statues looked decorated for st. patrick's day! it totally made my day!
have a great weekend!
love, laurie
Thursday, March 17, 2022
happy st. patrick's day!
i think ryan has the "luck of the irish" in him because he has such a knack for finding four-leaf clovers. he's my "lucky charm." he has found several over the years, and i have kept most of the ones that he found (by pressing them between two pieces of wax paper and letting them dry out.)
i've read that 1 in every 5,000 clovers has four leaves and that your odds of finding one are 1 in 10,000. the four leaves represent hope, faith, love, and luck.
here's a few of our favorite st. patrick's day recipes from over the years . . .
- irish soda bread scones
- rustic cast-iron skillet irish soda bread
- vegan irish soda bread (with dried cherries)
- shamrock cut-out sugar cookies
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
back in bed
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
sunday sundaes!
we worked hard on our taxes on sunday afternoon, so the only logical reward was buy-one-get-one free sundaes at our local ice cream shop! sure, it was 27 degrees outside at the time, but that didn't stop us!
love, laurie
Monday, March 14, 2022
we took the day off work on friday to take a little day trip to rockaway, new jersey with our families. we visited the buy buy baby store and then headed to the cheesecake factory for lunch! you can't go wrong with a visit to the cheesecake factory!
Friday, March 11, 2022
tuckered kitten
Thursday, March 10, 2022
when we took the photos for our baby announcement we didn't have much time. it was early in the morning last saturday before we had to run to a different theatre to work two back-to-back shows of south pacific. we set up the camera on the tripod and used the timer feature to snap the photos. after we took the photos in our dress clothes, we threw on our theatre blacks. we snapped a few more photos and then flew out to work. when we sorted through the photos we had this outtake which we didn't end up using because our faces were so dark. but the more we stared at it, we liked it because it's so appropriate to have us dressed in our blacks and standing in the dark working on lights . . . that's what we do!
love, laurie
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
so cute!
when you're being so darn cute and patient waiting for dad to get home from work . . .
. . . but then you get too tired from being so cute that you pass out for a nap!
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Monday, March 7, 2022
south pacific
this weekend ryan and i worked the national broadway tour of "south pacific" when it came to town. ryan worked the props department and i worked the wigs department which was a nice change for both of us to be doing something different.
it was a very long weekend with an extra long load in, a very long show (hello, 3 hours!), and an extra long load out. needless to say, we're extra tired today and moving a little slower than normal on a monday morning!
love, laurie
Friday, March 4, 2022
a little laugh
hello, friday! it will be a long work weekend for us, but since it's friday here are 40 one-liner jokes to keep us laughing.
love, laurie
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
happy meteorological spring!
it's march 1st today which means it's meteorological spring, although it doesn't quite feel like spring just yet. i'm very much looking forward to having the temperatures warm up. hopefully soon! in the meantime i'll look back at this old photo from several years ago of the flowers blooming in our yard and keep my fingers crossed for flowers in the near future!
love, laurie