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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

one year

we've officially lived in our new house for one year now and i can't believe how the past year has flown by.  i love this photo that ryan snapped of me holding noah standing in his bedroom doorway back when we did a walkthrough of our new house before we even had walls.

love, laurie

Monday, October 21, 2024

big boy

i can't believe this dude is 2 years and 2 months old today.  it's nonstop craziness with this big boy!

love, laurie

Friday, October 18, 2024

happy anniversary, mom and dad!

this has always been one of my favorite pictures of my mom and dad (taken back in 1979, one year before they were married).  

today is their 44th wedding anniversary!  i'm blessed to have two amazing parents who are such wonderful role models, and i'm so grateful that noah has them as such incredible grandparents!

happy anniversary, mom and dad!
love, laurie

Thursday, October 17, 2024

official crew member

we all wear name badges at the theatre and noah likes our badges.  i had one left over so i printed out his name to make him an official badge . . . cuteness.

love, laurie

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

another weekend, another show

it's the fall, which means it's tribute band season on stage.  this past weekend we had a "face-to-face" elton john and billy joel tribute band.  the music was great and the audience loved it!  you can see more photos from the show on the theatre's facebook page here.

love, laurie

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

an afternoon a quiet valley living historical farm

it has been 7 1/2 years since we've visited quiet valley living historical farm.  we used to love going there but haven't had a chance to go in so long.  this past weekend was their 50th anniversary of their harvest festival.  we headed down and spent some time stepping back in time on saturday.

it was a nice fall day (even though it ended up being very hot outside).  i didn't get a ton of photos because we were preoccupied chasing after noah, but i did snap a few photos . . . 

love, laurie

Monday, October 14, 2024

a day "off"

it's a rare day today where we don't have any shows, classes, meetings, etc.

there's no time to rest though, here's to getting caught up on loads of things!  maybe one day we'll get a real day off.

love, laurie

Friday, October 11, 2024

aurora borealis

my entire life i have wanted to see the northern lights.  i have always been fascinated with the aurora borealis and it's been one of those bucket list type things to see it.  i figured i never would because it's usually visible in places i don't travel, but low and behold, last night the northern lights gave a magical light show display right over our house.

it was late at night and i was in bed getting noah to sleep.  i was scrolling through facebook and saw person after person posting incredible photos of the aurora borealis over our area's skies.  i was beyond confused and told ryan to go look out the window to see if he could find anything.  at first he didn't see it and we figured we must have missed it.  then he went out on our back deck and found it.  we took turns looking at the sky from our back deck in our pajamas and quickly snapping photos on our phones before it was gone.  

it was absolutely beautiful!

love, laurie

Thursday, October 10, 2024

blast from the past

i can't believe this photo is from exactly 2 years ago.  how is noah so big now?!

i have been enjoying dressing him in fall clothes since it's the season and i was reminiscing about when he was only a few weeks old and wearing this adorable pumpkin outfit!  too cute.

love, laurie

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


our neighbor gave noah's their son's old scooter that he outgrew.  noah hasn't figured out how to ride it yet, but he does like to stand on it and have us push him around.

love, laurie