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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

mr. fix-it

add "auto mechanic" to his tiny resume now!

love, laurie

Monday, April 29, 2024

the fun shopping cart

noah tried out the "fun" big kid shopping cart at the grocery store for the first time and really enjoyed steering the cart through the store!

love, laurie

Friday, April 26, 2024

spring time adventures for noah

we're soaking up any chance we can get to get outside when it's not raining and we're not stuck inside a theatre.  noah loves exploring new parks.  those sunglasses and that hat are just too much!

love, laurie

Thursday, April 25, 2024

first bike ride of the season

it felt good to get our bike tires pumped up and take the first bike ride of the season in the warm spring air.  noah absolutely loved rolling around the neighborhood observing everyone from his bike seat!

love, laurie

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

reading a text book

when dad leaves his college text book out and you decide to read it and tell dad what he should be teaching in class that day.  ha!  this kid!

love, laurie

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

tucked in

maybe one day i will get my bed back . . . yeah right!

love, laurie

Monday, April 22, 2024


"no fear" is an understatement.  i am not thrilled that this guy thinks he can just climb up and stand up on anything and everything.  (his balance is impressive however!)  what a punk.  i can't believe this guy turned 20 months old yesterday!

love, laurie

Friday, April 19, 2024

bed head

this guy's bed head was just too funny the other day.  it was sticking straight up and looked so hysterical in the sunlight!

love, laurie

Thursday, April 18, 2024


how does this child know what to do with ryan's airpods and know how to use them?!

love, laurie

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

maybe one day i will get my bed back . . .

. . . or maybe i won't.

love, laurie

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

crazy kid

i do not know how his toes are so strong to hold on to the base board like that . . . or why he feels the need to wear his sunglasses inside like a rockstar.

love, laurie

Monday, April 15, 2024

noah's lawn care

noah loves to sweep, mop, and vacuum inside so it's no surprise he loves to mow outside . . . even when it's cold enough to need a coat!

love, laurie

Friday, April 12, 2024


this guy is always happy whenever he gets to break free from being inside and go outside.  here's hoping for a nice warm spring for more noah frolicking! 

love, laurie

Thursday, April 11, 2024

a treat for noah

after spending way too much time working in the theatre on our children's theatre show, noah deserved a treat.  on sunday we took him to the park for the first time this spring and then went out for ice cream.  we all loved it!  we went on the swings, tried out all of the play equipment, and went up and down the slides countless times!

love, laurie

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

a few more photos from "little red riding hood"

we really loved our production of little red riding hood.  in addition to the photos i took during our final dress rehearsal, a student photography major from the school newspaper came and took photos during our second dress rehearsal night.  she shared the photos with me and she had nearly 200 awesome close ups from the show.  here are just a few of julie's great photos . . . 

thanks, julie, for these great photos!
love, laurie