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Monday, December 18, 2017

driving around to admire christmas lights

during the holidays, we always love to take an evening to drive around admiring the christmas lights in our area.  on saturday night, we had a little bit of free time after dinner before we both had to go work the load out of a show.  we bundled up, grabbed a cup of coffee, and hopped in the car to drive around and look at lights while listening to christmas music. 

the roads were completely clear, but there was just a little bit of snow on the grass which always makes the christmas lights look better.  we drove to see our favorite houses which we love seeing year after year, as well as some new ones too.

this year, one of the families in our area that goes over the top with lights was featured on the great christmas light fight.  you can watch them on episode 3.  they are the house in pennsylvania with over 13,000 blow molds!

love, laurie

1 comment:

ma pa camlet said...

Look like you have found some pretty nice lights. Never saw trees with light up faces.