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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

quarantine blooms

yesterday the sun was shining and we got a break from dreary overcast clouds and rain.  it was a welcomed escape from the cool damp weather we've seen lately.  we took full advantage of it and went on a walk around the neighborhood after lunch and then another walk after dinner.  it was so nice to be able to get out of the house!

when we came back from our walk, we were pleasantly surprised to see that the bleeding heart bush was blooming in our yard!  yay!  it's so nice to see flowers again in our yard!

love, laurie


ma pa camlet said...

Wow, so full of flowers. Ours have not started to bloom yet, but shortly.

Mom H. said...

They are so pretty. Mine look like they got frozen either from the frost or from the snow, so I don't know if they will bloom very nicely.