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Thursday, October 19, 2017

sleepy kitten

my goodness, the weather got cold this week, especially in the early mornings and late at night.  in response to the drastic temperature change (hello, 32 degrees!) leko has been cuddling up and taking a nap everywhere to stay warm.  all four of these pictures are just from this week and it's only thursday!  this cold weather sounds like a good excuse to stay home under the covers, with a kitten, and a cup of hot cocoa to me!

love, laurie


ma pa camlet said...

He sure has the right idea. It has been cold but I refuse to put the heat on. We have blankets in the house and warm clothes.

Kerry Schultz said...

Haha what an adorable little cat you have,winters is definitely an excuse to get under the covers and cuddle up with your cat. I love the pictures, looking forward to more from you soon.