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Friday, March 3, 2017

5 simple things we do on weekends to make our weeks easier

in our house, our week days/nights are super jam packed.  honestly, i don't know how we fit everything into our schedules.  in order to make our weeks run smoothly and to avoid too much mid-week chaos, we use our weekends to prep.  taking just a little bit of time on the weekends to get our affairs in order for the upcoming week lessens our stress and ensures that we are not scrambling throughout the week.  since it's friday, today we wanted to share five simple things we do on the weekends to make our weeks easier . . .

1. menu plan and grocery shop on saturday
everyone makes such a big deal about meal planning, but it's really easy and makes our weeks run so much smoother.  it only takes a few minutes to sit down and plan a menu for the week.  base your grocery shopping list off your weekly menu so you don't end up buying things that you don't need.  we typically try to get our grocery shopping done on saturdays.

2. make all lunches for the week and cook all dinners for the week on sunday
i have absolutely no time to cook during the week.  most days i leave the house early in the morning and don't return until very late at night.  in order to make sure we have nutritious meals for the week, i make and portion out 10 lunches on sunday (2 people for 5 days).  personally, we find pyrex containers to be the perfect way to store our lunches.  if you look in our fridge on any given sunday night, you'll see a wall of pyrex containers stacked up and ready to go.  all we have to do is grab one each morning and run out the door.  in addition, i also cook all dinners for the week on sunday.  some week nights we get to eat together and some we don't.  regardless, when dinners are prepped in advance, all we have to do is heat up our portion.  if you saw us on sundays, you would think that we were cooking for an army, but it's all gone by the following friday night.

3. do all of the laundry on the weekend
it's a rule in our house that we only do laundry on the weekend and it makes our lives so much easier.  we try our best to get all of our laundry done each weekend, and it's such a great feeling to start off each monday knowing that everything is freshly cleaned and put away.

4. pick outfits for the week ahead of time
i go through a lot of "costume changes" each day.  i wear dress clothes to work, workout clothes to the gym, and then dance clothes to dance class.  taking just a few minutes on sunday night to pick out my outfits for each day is such a time saver in the mornings and allows me to sleep in just a few extra minutes.  it's also a great way to ensure that i won't forget anything at home since most of my "costume changes" are not done at home.

5. plan a workout schedule in advance
i think for most people one of the first things to get pushed to the bottom of their priority list is working out.  you skip one day, then the next, and before you know it you haven't seen the inside of the gym in a month.  our health is a priority for us, so building workout time into our schedules makes us not be able to come up with an excuse to skip out on the gym.  signing up for a fitness class or planning to work out with a friend is a great way keep yourself accountable for exercising too.

have a great weekend!
love, laurie

1 comment:

ma pa camlet said...

Oh yes, that seems familiar.