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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

birthday dinner

last week was my birthday, and we didn't do anything special to celebrate.  it was a monday, it snowed, we had appointments, yada yada ya.

after much debate, we went out to grab dinner in the evening at casa bella.  the last time we were at casa bella was three years ago when i was pregnant with noah.  we missed it and they have done a large renovation since then.

surprisingly noah was well behaved and really enjoyed his "fancy" meal for mama's birthday.

love, laurie


ma and pa camlet said...

Noah enjoys going out to fancy restaurants. The food looks delicious. Hope you enjoyed it.

Mom H. said...

I'm so happy that you were able to do something special for your birthday and that Noah enjoyed it as well. I see that he enjoyed the yummy bread that they serve there. We still have gifts waiting for you (or I should say Noah) to open when you get a chance.