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Monday, March 8, 2021

let's make peace

today is international women's day.  on this bright sunny monday morning let's come together to support women instead of harass them.  

the theme of this year's women's day is #choosetochallenge.  we're responsible for our thoughts and actions, so let's consciously choose to lift each other up instead of knocking each other down.  please.

especially after this year-long pandemic, today on this international women's day, i'm hoping for peace.  let's give each other peace by not attacking each other.  together, let's make peace.

love, laurie


ma pa camlet said...

I could not agree more with your statement, "lift each other up instead of knocking each other down." Let's all calm down, relax, and find the good in each other.

Mom H. said...

Good advice for both men and women.