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Thursday, November 12, 2020

nutcracker 1 of 2 = done!

well, we sort of survived the first of two nutcracker productions at our theatre this year.  since we can't have audiences, both productions are being filmed and then broadcast on tv for the public.  over the past week, we set up, teched, rehearsed, filmed, and tore down the first of the two nutcrackers.

it was an absolutely looney experience.  i calculated ryan's hours for just this nutcracker alone and they came to a total of 105.5 hours!  i'm scared to calculate my hours.

we did it all for this production.  i don't think there was a single department we didn't have our hands in except for the fact that we didn't operate the cameras!

we're a little worse for the wear with exhaustion, swollen feet, sore muscles, aches, and lots of bruises.  i'm so glad it's over now.

onto the next one!

love, laurie


ma pa camlet said...

What an undertaking and we are glad you survived. Thank goodness it was earlier this year and you can relax between Christmas a New Year. People do not realize what really goes on behind the scenes.

Mom H. said...

Thanks for all the great photos. I really miss being in the theater and seeing what is going on. I can't wait to see it on TV. Try to rest a bit if you can.