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Friday, May 11, 2018

a very, very rough week

since i'm not actually in the room with you right now and you can't hear me, just imagine me taking a very long sigh right now . . .

. . . wheph, this week has been a long and rough one, and although it's friday, it's far from over.  i feel like the stupidity of so many things around me this week has beaten me down.  looking back, there was really only one highlight of my week and that was seeing beautiful on wednesday night. 

this weekend is power packed and is going to show no mercy with multiple shows happening back-to-back.  tis show season, and that's to be expected, but i certainly could have done without all of the other idiocy from the week.  check back in on monday to see if we make it through the weekend with our sanity intact. 

love, laurie

1 comment:

ma pa camlet said...

Stop and take a deep breathe. Then clear and reset your mind so you can make it through. Mini-mediation sessions refresh the psyche.