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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

daily celebrations

the national day calendar always has something to celebrate each day.  today is national deep-dish pizza day and national caramel day.  so, let's head to the kitchen and celebrate by making some deep-dish pizza and some homemade caramel sauce.  today is also national read a road map day and national walking day too.  (who comes up with these things?!)

ps: tomorrow is national caramel popcorn day.  put that homemade caramel sauce from today to good use tomorrow with this recipe.

love, laurie

1 comment:

ma pa camlet said...

I have not had a deep-dish pizza in a long time. I love caramel sauce on chocolate ice cream and also love caramel popcorn made the molasses. Too bad I do not have time to make them. Or maybe that is a good thing.