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Friday, December 9, 2016

'tis the season for christmas shows

even though it doesn't exactly feel like christmas time yet to me, we're back in the swing of christmas shows.  it's show season again, which means we're spending lots of time in theatres working local concerts, shows, events, etc.  here's a photo i snapped on my phone while working a concert on wednesday night when i was back up in my perch in the spot light loft.

my dance studio's christmas show is this weekend and i'm really excited about it.  we did a little preview of it a few weeks ago for our town's christmas lighting ceremony, but i'm excited to perform the whole show for real on sunday.  i'm in 4 different dances, and really looking forward to the show!

have a great weekend!
love, laurie

1 comment:

ma pa camlet said...

I bet the show was nice and the lighting was terrific.