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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

the perfect pillow

we spent the entire day at home on sunday working around the house.  it was so nice to be able to get a bunch of things knocked off our ever growing to-do list and to not have to run anywhere.  we completely wore ourselves out, but we weren't the only ones who were tired from a long day of working.  leko was totally exhausted from "supervising" us.  hey, it's a hard job but someone has to do it!

ryan sat down in bed for a few minutes to rest his aching body and feet, and leko jumped right up and nestled down for a nap using ryan's foot as a pillow.  we just couldn't stop laughing.  i grabbed my phone to snap a picture before he woke up.  this furry little guy always keeps us entertained!

love, laurie 


Mom H. said...

He's always a cutie!

ma pa camlet said...

You both have been too busy for his liking and Leko did not get the proper human contact and loving. So he is making you stay still by pinning Ryan down. He looks so soft, cuddly, and cute.