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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

sunbathing in january

we woke up to a great surprise on sunday morning . . . the sun was out!!!  it has been so long since we have seen the sun.  i was starting to feel like we were living in perpetual grayness.  

the sun was shining and birds were chirping outside.  it didn't feel like january at all.  it was glorious!  *cue the hallelujah chorus*

it's amazing how great the sun makes you feel (especially when you haven't seen it in such a long time).  we took advantage of the beautiful sunshine while it lasted by bundling up and taking a long walk around our neighborhood.  it was so nice to feel the sun on our faces and to see the freshly fallen snow glistening in the morning sunlight.  it was wonderful!

we weren't the only ones who took advantage of the sunday morning sun.  leko decided to soak it up by sunbathing wherever the sun was shining in the windows.  as the sun moved in the sky, he moved around the house basking in the sunlight coming through each window.  in my opinion, there's nothing as beautiful as seeing the sun rays shine through his gorgeous orange and white fur. the sun made him look like he had a glowing halo around him.  what a cutie!

love, laurie


ma pa camlet said...

What a glow! He has a halo of gold surrounding him. The little perfect angel.

Mom H. said...

Such a cutie! Ginger has been busy watching the birds at the feeder; they are especially busy with all of the snow on the ground.