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Friday, May 2, 2014

little letters

dear ryan,
aka mr. fix it.  last night after one trip to lowe's and one trip to home depot, you fixed two broken water pipes like a champ.  your plumbing skills amaze me.

dear mom and dad,
the hanging basket of purple flowers that you gave me is absolutely beautiful.  it is so full and colorful.  thank you so much.  we have been enjoying it on our back porch, and we can't wait to move it outside when it gets a bit warmer.

dear leko,
it's cute how much you love to sit on the back screen porch to watch the squirrels and the birds in the yard.  i'm glad that the weather is finally starting to warm up a bit so that you can enjoy the porch.

dear flowers in our yard,
i'm so grateful to see you starting to pop up around the yard.  ryan thought i killed you for sure last fall when i trimmed you back at the end of the season.  thanks for proving him wrong.

dear ryan,
ha!  i told you i didn't kill the plants!  :-)

love, laurie

1 comment:

ma pa camlet said...

The picture of the purple flowers are gorgeous. But then the orange flower and purple flowers together make a beautiful combo. I am glad you did not kill the flowers outside. I hope you do not take after me for caring for plants, they do not do well in my care even though I try.