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Friday, September 14, 2012

party animal . . .

over the weekend we will be celebrating leko's first birthday!  (yes, we are those people who celebrate things like our cat's birthday.  you do things like this when you don't have children.)

this week, while trying to think of ideas for leko's birthday party, i came across what are quite possibly my two favorite blog posts ever.  joy is one of my all-time favorite bloggers and she has an absolutely adorable cat named jules who just turned two.  well, this is what joy did for jules' first birthday and this is what joy did for jules' second birthday.  go on . . . i dare you to read those two blog posts without smiling.  cuteness overload, for sure.

now if you'll excuse me, i'm off to plan a first birthday party for our sassy little furry kitten.

have an awesome weekend!
love, laurie


ma pa camlet said...

The caption really fits the expression.

henning love said...

happy birthday leko!!

LeiShell said...

That is so cute. I am not a cat lady (gasp!) but I think it is adorable when people love on their pets so. :) said...

haha! too cute! well, happy birthday to leko!

enjoying following your blog now!
have a great week!


Life Happens said...

Happy birthday to your furbaby!