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Monday, July 9, 2012

a sunday outdoor adventure

we spent our sunday enjoying the beautiful weather outdoors.  we traveled to several different parts of northeastern pennsylvania in order to try out three new-to-us biking and hiking trails.  in total, we did 9.8 miles of biking!  the first bike trail was so nice and calm.  we even saw a kitty lounging along the trail.  however, the second bike trail sure gave us a good work out.  it was ridiculously rocky and all uphill.  

we took a short lunch break, then we hiked around a trail at a small local state park.  afterward, we were so exhausted that we came home and jumped right into the pool to cool off.  even though our bodies are a bit sore this morning, we had such a good day yesterday spending time together in the beautiful area where we live.

hope everyone had a great weekend!
love, laurie

1 comment:

LeiShell said...

We love bike riding too! My post was about that too! haha Great summer past time! Love the pictures of the felt like I was there!