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Thursday, December 8, 2011

bits of happiness {by ryan}

today's holiday-themed happy list is from my husband! 

here are . . . 
ten things currently making ryan happy:

10. looking forward to christmas vacation
9. visiting friends and family for the holidays
8. christmas music . . . everywhere
7. baking desserts that make the house smell amazing
6. holiday-themed wallpaper on my iphone
5. watching christmas movies 
4. decorating with my new snowflake christmas lights
3. sipping a warm peppermint mocha latte
2. holiday-scented candles around the house
1. cuddling on cold nights

thanks for sharing ryan!
{photo of us taken at a friend's christmas party last year}

. . .

what is currently making you happy?
love, laurie


Papa said...

Nice list, Ryan! (And nice photo, too.) You make a great couple!!

jen fuller said...

aw you guys are so adorable!

Laurie said...

@jen thanks!