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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

taco night

this weekend we made lasagna with ground turkey (we are trying to be healthy and save a few calories by using ground turkey instead of ground beef in some recipes).  we had some left over ground turkey, so we decided to make tacos last night! tacos are so simple to make, yet they somehow brighten up an evening!

after tacos, we melted into the couch and watched cupcake wars on the food network.  i find that show ridiculously entertaining.  (maybe i have a secret desire to go on the show.)  and . . . i love florian bellanger's comments to the contestants!  


henning love said...

love tacos!! and ending an evening with cupcakes wars is one of the best was :-)

Laurie said...

@meg tacos are great! using ground turkey instead of beef was tasty (and healthy) too! i'm absolutely starting to love cupcake wars. i find it to be so entertaining. (but somehow, i do find it hard to believe that the carpenters can actually make those elaborate displays in just 2 seems like that would hardly be enough time to let the paint dry.)

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