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Monday, January 15, 2024

noah's first big snow storm

it snowed and snowed and snowed on my birthday.  the next morning, we woke up to a very white landscape outside.  we bundled noah up in his new snow attire and took him out for an adventure in the snow.  we thought he would love walking in it, but nope!  he did not want to walk in the snow at all and tolerated the sled for a little bit before he was over it.

the funny thing was that he was really excited to get all suited up in his snow gear but then didn't want to be outside.  granted, it was extremely cold and windy.  poor guy . . . i don't blame him, i'd rather be warm inside too!

love, laurie


Mom H. said...

He looks really cute in his new snow gear.

ma and pa camlet said...

Poor little guys nose is red. I don't think he likes the cold. Plus, he would have to sit down to sled and he doesn't like to sit.