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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

yeah, sometimes our smart devices can be insulting

we love all of the technology and the devices that make our home smarter and our lives easier, but every once in a while they take on a life of their own and say/do the strangest things.  

we've worn our apple watches and loved them for over 4 years now, which is why i had a good laugh when the holderness family made this video about if the apple watch was a person.

as a bonus, i stumbled across another video on facebook where a clever girl did an amazon alexa parody to the "a little bit alexis" song from the "schitt's creek" tv show.  oh i'm laughing!

love, laurie

1 comment:

ma pa camlet said...

Clever and oh so true. During the second video our Alexa told us the weather and we now have a 5-minute timer set. They hear everything.