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Friday, October 23, 2020

working another political event

earlier this week we worked yet another political event for our stage hands union.  i'm grateful for the stage hands work, but goodness i'm really tired of working these political events because they are grueling and exhausting.  i have never meet anyone as picky as the people who are in charge of these events.

it was two very long days setting up a full stage area from nothing in a parking lot for dr. jill biden, and the whole even was over in the blink of an eye!  

love, laurie


ma pa camlet said...

Soon it will be over for another four years. I am surprised they are so picky, it is not a broadway production.

Mom H. said...

I'm glad you have photos because I tried to find some news about it on TV and didn't see much of anything. The setup on the first photo is really pretty.