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Friday, December 1, 2017

fun links

my costumes are hanging on my garment rack, my shoes are in my bag, and all of my props are ready to go.  my dance studio's annual christmas show is this weekend and i'm ready for it.  i'm dancing in 5 out of the 9 numbers and have calculated exactly how much time i have to change between dances.  it should be pretty crazy.

this weekend, i'm also looking forward to going to our area's best vendor fair of the year and celebrating my mom's birthday!

since it's friday and this week was a brutal one, here are a few fun links i found around the internet recently . . .

1. how long it would take a kardashian to earn your annual salary (this is depressing)

2. apparently i belong in chicago?

3. what your ice cream choice says about you (i'm a "realist" . . . big surprise)

4. this is 100% true, cats = bread

5. i wouldn't eat something this color, but cute

6. a different type of christmas cookie

7. a total waste of paper in my opinion

8. this is a big part of what is wrong with the world today

9. and, imagine finding this in a claw game!

have a great weekend
love, laurie

1 comment:

ma pa camlet said...

Well I guess I am an ambitious realist who belongs in Chicago.
I have kitties that fit every bread category. Maybe I should open a bakery.