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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

is it fall or is it winter?

this photo of leko is the new background image on my phone.  i love it so much because it really sums him up perfectly right now.  the weather has been incredibly cold the past few days (hello, first snowfall yesterday!) and when leko gets cold he wants to cuddle with us.  i positively hate the cold, but the one thing i love about it is getting to cuddle with this lovable kitten!

it was so cold that he didn't want to get out of bed this morning when my alarm went off for work.  he was tucked under the covers with me and we were keeping each other warm  i think the only thing that is going to get me through the day today is remembering that i have this guy at home waiting for me tonight!

stay warm!
love, laurie

1 comment:

ma pa camlet said...

I just want to stick my face in that fur neck and give him a kiss. He may no like it, but I will.