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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

snapshots of life lately, according to my iphone pictures

. . . and ryan's iphone too.

a few photos of . . . the first five-leaf clover that we have ever seen (which ryan found in our back yard), leko's early morning bird "hunting" out our bedroom window at 5am, stealing ryan's pillow in order to enjoy the breeze blowing in the window, the orchid in my office finally in bloom for the first time in a year, my first ever pair of toms (which are vegan!), cooling off in front of the fan with kitten on a very hot day, and a few snapshots that my dance studio director took on her phone of our senior ballet class outside the studio the week before our recital.

love, laurie


Unknown said...

Looks like a fun life according to your iphone. Much to be thankful for.

Mom H. said...

Wow, Ryan is really good at finding lucky clovers! Your orchid is beautiful.