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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

quiet valley living historical farm

ryan was tied up working in the theatre on sunday too, so my parents and i spent the afternoon at quiet valley living historical farm for their annual spring farm animal frolic.  we enjoyed walking around the farm and seeing all the animals.  we ate freshly baked bread and cookies right out of an outdoor oven, and watched a demonstration in the one-room schoolhouse.  quiet valley really is such a peaceful and quaint little place that never disappoints.  here are a bunch of photos from our afternoon at the farm . . .

love, laurie


ma pa camlet said...

I love Quiet Valley, it makes me feel peaceful and rejuvenates me. The animals are so cute especially the black and white goat. The homemade ice cream was delicious.

Mom H. said...

Great photos. The animals are all so cute, especially the baby ones.