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Friday, March 31, 2017

it's show weekend . . . again

it's another show weekend for us.  in addition to all of the theatre work that ryan does for the stage hands union, he also freelance designs.  this weekend is a local high school's show that he lighting designed.  ryan has designed the lighting for every show at this high school for over 8 years now and i've worked along side him on all of those shows (. . . you know, "houser productions").

this year our schedules just couldn't seem to coordinate so it was the first year he flew completely solo.  it was so weird being out of the loop with the design, and the first time i got to see it was last night during dress rehearsal.  i'm super proud of him for doing this entire show without any help, it's certainly a lot of work for just one person.

here's a picture of my dear devoted husband backstage after the run, fighting with a ground led scrim back light that refused to color change the way he wanted.  technology can be so frustrating sometimes.  i'm looking forward to seeing the performances of the show this weekend (and we're both keeping our fingers crossed that this stupid light decides to cooperate)!

have a great weekend!
love, laurie

1 comment:

ma pa camlet said...

I love the lights circling in back on his head. If anyone knows the job, it is certainly Ryan. What a great tech hand.