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Friday, March 11, 2016

have a wonderful weekend!

ryan and i both woke up yesterday thinking that it was friday, but it was only thursday.  today ryan woke up thinking that he could sleep in because it was saturday, so he was rather disappointed when he realized it was friday and we had to go to work.  that gives you an idea of what kind of week it has been.  yesterday, my mom surprised us after work with some ice cream.  it was such a nice treat to see her on a thursday night and for her to bring ice cream too.  that gave us the pick up that we needed to power through the rest of the work week and make it to the weekend.  best mama ever!

luckily it is friday today and that means that the weekend is just a few hours away!  we've been loving the slightly warmer temperatures this week.  it actually has started to feel like the beginning of spring!  the forecast is pretty decent for the weekend, so we are looking forward to enjoying it!

happy friday!
love, laurie

1 comment:

ma pa camlet said...

Everyone here at school is saying that this was the longest week ever. I to thought Wednesday was Thursday and that today feels like a Saturday.
I think Cold Stone has the best ice cream, it was a nice pick me up.
Have a great weekend.