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Friday, March 18, 2016

fun links

spring is almost here.  the first offical day of spring is sunday and we are excited to have "winter" behind us.  we are also looking forward to getting together with our families this weekend to celebrate ryan's mom's birthday on saturday!

here are a few fun links that i found around the internet recently . . .

1. i love falafels and i love waffles, so falafel waffles sound awesome!

2. oh my goodness, this cat

3. what sand looks like when it's magnified up to 300 times

4. these photos made me look twice

5. speaking of photography, here are some really neat reflections

6. a "food blogging for dummies" cheat sheet

7. this flash bounce is compact and not expensive.  clever!

8. magic travel shoes?  everyone on the internet is swearing by these shoes.  i'm intrigued.

9. a good reminder

have a wonderful weekend!
love, laurie

1 comment:

ma pa camlet said...

That cat taking a shower, oh my. I think I should have made ear protectors for Roo.
I, also, never thought sand look like anything other than what you see on the beach. Amazing. I guess what you don't see, doesn't mean it is not there.
Awesome reflection pictures, love them.