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Thursday, July 10, 2014


we have had some pretty crazy weather around here the last few days.  it has been hot and humid every day this week, and we have had really intense downpours and thunderstorms each evening.  on tuesday, there were two small tornadoes that touched down in our area!  (we rarely ever get tornadoes in pennsylvania.)

thankfully, the tornadoes did not come through our town, but we did get 65-70 mph wind gusts.  there is a tall walnut tree that divides our yard from our neighbor's yard, and the wind was so strong that it snapped the tree in half.  we are lucky that the tree did not land on our house (it fell just inches away) and that it did not do any major damage.

the forecast is saying that the weather is supposed to be calm and clear for the next three days . . . thank goodness!  that was enough excitement for awhile.

love, laurie   

1 comment:

ma pa camlet said...

Wow! That really is a big tree. Good thing it did not damage your new roof and gutters. Hope the neighbor will take care of the removal of the tree. Was it hit by lightning or wind? If you see black marks, it is lightning.