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Monday, April 30, 2012

snapshots from our weekend

since last week was so busy and hectic, we were happy that we were able to unwind this weekend and also check some things off our to do list.  we tried a few new recipes, ran some important errands, did some much needed house cleaning, reorganized our office, and saw a musical at a local university.

however, the most exciting thing that happened this weekend was that my friend nicole came into town on sunday for a visit.  nicole is one of my very best fiends and we have known each other since preschool!  nicole now lives up in maine, and since she is so far away, we don't get to see each other as often as we would like.  it was so nice to have nicole visit.  we made ice cream sundaes, took a walk along the river, and chatted away for several hours.  we really enjoyed catching up with each other (and leko loved playing with nicole too)!

as it turns out, we had such a good time visiting with nicole that we forgot to take pictures while she was here!  so, i will leave you with a few snapshots from our other adventures this weekend instead . . .

{cafe date with ryan: coffee, iced latte, and a peanut butter danish} 

{tickets to a musical at a local university}

{sunday morning nutella french toast}

{a very tired kitten}

. . .

i hope everyone had a lovely weekend!
love, laurie

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